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Our Customers

we help operators, vendors, and customers to manage and distribute services online

Service marketplace
Discover how scnd helped Suez digitize their waste recycling services
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Service Catalogue
See how Accor built a global services catalogue with scnd. 
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Service marketplace
A platform where sports enthusiasts discover local sports activities
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Partner Discovery Platform
Connecting senior citizens and their families to personal care services
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vendor management
The barcode company picked SCND to launch their service provider network platform :-)
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Partner Discovery Platform
Making it easy for SMBs to gain access to financial and accounting services
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Partner Discovery Platform
The partner ecosystem that reduces electrical power station downtimes
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Partner Discovery Platform
Taking insurance claims online, and turning them into a great experience
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Service marketplace
What if instead of just finding companies, you could also book them online?!
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LEAD-GEN Platform
Connecting their entire IT ecosystem into a single lead-generation platform
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Service marketplace
How cool would it be if a commercial bank launched a platform to connect customers with each other?
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Fit-gap analysis
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