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September 4, 2024

Create a marketplace for hairstylists

The post-covid new normal will be defined by the highest service demand ever and this is undoubtedly the best time to launch your marketplace for hairstylists. Yet, just launching a service marketplace is not the same as creating a successful one with a marketplace solution which will scale with your business’ growth. As marketplace owner, you need to ensure the best user experience, booking flow, listing management and secure payments even when fees are collected, cancellations happen or refunds are needed. This can only be achieved with advanced features which are hard to find in most SaaS marketplace solutions and non-customized marketplaces, yet not in our Second SaaS marketplace solution. Our +8 years of experience in the marketplace industry have allowed us to identify the key elements to create a successful marketplace business: an advanced marketplace software and support from marketplace experts. Taking this into account, Second has been carefully designed to combine the most powerful marketplace software with professional expert support to maximize how you use the technology and help you optimize every other aspect of your marketplace business, from your user acquisition strategy to KPIs and analytics. Second will give you the necessary flexibility to smoothly manage your marketplace’s activity and the best part is that you don’t have to do it alone, as we will work together throughout the entire lifecycle of your marketplace for hairstylists.

Create a marketplace for hairstylists
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